Configure CORS

Centrify's authorization server allows for Cross-Origins Resource Sharing (CORS) requests from trusted origins (domains). This page demonstrates the API calls to programmatically get and set the origins for which CORS requests are allowed on a tenant.

Obtaining a List of Trusted Origins

Invoke the /TenantConfig/GetCustomerConfig endpoint to get a list of the origins currently trusted by the tenant for CORS requests:


The AllowCors field in the response lists the origins currently trusted by the tenant for CORS requests:


      "Name":"[email protected]",

Setting the Trusted URIs for CORS Requests

To update the trusted origins for CORS requests allowed on the tenant, first get the current list of URIs by invoking the /TenantConfig/GetCustomerConfig endpoint as demonstrated above and then extract the origins from the AllowCors field.

Update the list of origins as required and then invoke the /TenantConfig/SetCustomerConfig endpoint passing the list via the AllowCors field:




The success field in the response indicates if the request was successful:
