Add Domains
Before you can store and manage passwords for Active Directory domain accounts, you must add the appropriate domains to the Centrify Infrastructure Services. You can add domains to the service automatically by creating a discovery profile and running a discovery job or add them manually by specifying the domains of interest.
After you add the domains you want to manage, you can organize them into domain sets to simplify other tasks such as assigning set-specific permissions.
To add a new domain:
- Call the /ServerManage/AddDomain function.
- Pass the required Name field in the reqest payload to identify the domain.
- Pass any optional fields.
Sample successful response
The following sample illustrates a response when the call to add a domain is successful.
"success": true,
"Result": "658eddc6-28d3-4273-9d03-8c5a1706b069",
"Message": null,
"MessageID": null,
"Exception": null,
"ErrorID": null,
"ErrorCode": null,
"InnerExceptions": null
Sample failed response
The following sample illustrates a response when the call to add a domain fails because the domain already exists in the service.
"success": false,
"Result": null,
"Message": "Domain already exists",
"MessageID": "_I18N_Centrify.Server.DomainAlreadyExistsException",
"Exception": "Centrify.Server.DomainAlreadyExistsException: Domain already exists\r\n at Centrify.Server.Storage.AddDomain(DataEntity de, RowAce[] defaultAces)\r\n at Centrify.Server.DomainManager.AddDomain(DataEntity de, RowAce[] defaultAces)\r\n at Centrify.Server.ServerManageController.<AddDomain>b__8()\r\n at Centrify.Cloud.Core.RestHelpers.JsonRest.StandardJsonResult(Func`1 action)",
"ErrorID": "25c0d94c-6586-44a7-bf94-cbf7a018c8fa:1cad8c7e73264ce888bcee9bdcdad06f",
"ErrorCode": null,
"InnerExceptions": null
Updated over 5 years ago