Manage Applications for Users

User's require access to a different set of application attributes than administrators. This section shows how to do the following:

Retrieve all applications for a user

The API provides a number of different calls to retrieve applications that have been deployed; for example, to retrieve all the applications deployed for a specific user, call /UPRest/GetUPData and pass the name of the user (username). Also specify whether to use the cache (force: false) or not (force: true):

    'username': 'test3@doccraft',
    'force': 'true'

This call returns complete information for all applications that have been deployed for the specified user. This sample shows a reduced set of information for a number of applications and complete information for the Ebay web application:

/UPRest/GetUPData sample response:

"success": true,
"Result": {
  "Apps": [
     "Description": "Standard test password",
     "DisplayName": null,
     "TemplateName": "Generic Bookmark",
     "CpsType": "Account",
     "AdminTag": "Privilege Service",
     "CpsHostFQDN": "",
     "_RowKey": "@!/3834d122-30cd-4893-8820-41af9447b313",
     "Description": "Get Satisfaction is the leading customer engagement platform that helps companies 
      build better relationships with their customers and prospects, through the best online customer community.",
     "DisplayName": "Get Satisfaction",
     "TemplateName": "GetSatisfaction",
     "AdminTag": "Customer Service",
     "AppTypeDisplayName": "Web - User Password",
     "_RowKey": "026be8d7-f9f6-4aaf-a66b-03277fc70490",
     "Description": "AIM is the simplest (and most fun) way to chat and share with people and groups you care about. ",
     "DisplayName": "AIM",
     "TemplateName": "AIM",
     "AdminTag": "Communication",
     "AppTypeDisplayName": "Web - User Password",
     "_RowKey": "2451b1e9-59d6-4ed5-9ef2-8dbb5ee86eb6",
     "Intranet": false,
     "PasswordIsSet": true,
     "UsernameField": "input#userid",
     "Name": "Ebay",
     "Category": "Other",
     "DisplayName": "Ebay",
     "Scheme": "HttpHttps",
     "AppTypeDisplayName": "Web - User Password",
     "CbeMinVersion": "1.102.1309",
     "Automatic": true,
     "AdminTag": "Other",
     "Description": "Buy and sell electronics, cars, fashion apparel, collectibles, sporting goods,
      digital cameras, baby items, coupons, and everything else on eBay, the world's online marketplace",
     "FormAction": "",
     "SubmitField": "input#sgnBt",
     "AppType": "Web",
     "Shortcut": false,
     "Username": test3@doccraft,
     "Url": "",
     "Icon": "/vfslow/lib/application/icons/ebay",
     "FormField": "form#SignInForm",
     "WebAppTypeDisplayName": "User Password",
     "PasswordField": "input#pass",
     "_RowKey": "487e4925-ba49-4a40-a5de-fe07cb4cee2a",
     "AppKey": "487e4925-ba49-4a40-a5de-fe07cb4cee2a",
     "WebAppType": "UsernamePassword",
     "Rank": 1,
     "TemplateName": "Ebay",
     "WebUPAppType": "BrowserExtension",
     "UsernameRO": false,
     "HostNameSuffix": ""

The UUID in the AppKey field uniquely identifies a specific web application. You can save the UUIDs to pass to other functions that manage user access to applications, as shown in the following sections.

The /UPRest (User-Portal) functions are designed to retrieve information for regular users, not administrators. Most /UPRest calls do not provide a parameter to identify the user, but rather assume that the call applies to the currently authenticated user. For example, when you call /UPRest/GetAppByKey, /UPRest/SetUserCredsForApp`, etc., you pass the app key to identify the app, and Identity Platform applies the function to the app for the currently authenticated user.

Retrieve a specific application for a user

Call /UPRest/GetAppByKey to retrieve a specific application for the current user. For example, pass the UUID saved from the previous call to /UPRest/GetUPData to retrieve the eBay application:

    'appkey': '487e4925-ba49-4a40-a5de-fe07cb4cee2a'

Ebay app data:

   "success": true,
   "Result": {
     "Description": "Buy and sell electronics, cars, fashion apparel, collectibles, sporting goods, digital cameras, baby items, coupons, and everything else on eBay, the world's online marketplace",
     "UsernameField": "input#userid",
     "HostNameSuffix": "",
     "DisplayName": "Ebay",
     "TemplateName": "Ebay",
     "AdminTag": "Other",
     "PasswordField": "input#pass",
     "Scheme": "HttpHttps",
     "AppTypeDisplayName": "Web - User Password",
     "_RowKey": "487e4925-ba49-4a40-a5de-fe07cb4cee2a",
     "SubmitField": "input#sgnBt",
     "UsernameRO": false,
     "PasswordIsSet": true,
     "FormField": "form#SignInForm",
     "Category": "Other",
     "Icon": "/vfslow/lib/application/icons/ebay",
     "WebUPAppType": "BrowserExtension",
     "Intranet": false,
     "CbeMinVersion": "1.102.1309",
     "Username": test3@doccraft,
     "Shortcut": false,
     "Name": "Ebay",
     "AppType": "Web",
     "Rank": 1,
     "WebAppTypeDisplayName": "User Password",
     "WebAppType": "UsernamePassword",
     "AppKey": "487e4925-ba49-4a40-a5de-fe07cb4cee2a",
     "Url": "",
     "FormAction": ""
   "Message":null,  "MessageID":null, "Exception":null, "ErrorID":null, "ErrorCode":null, "InnerExceptions":null

Set user credentials for an application

Call /UPRest/SetUserCredsForApp to set user credentials for an application that requires a user name and password. When a user subsequently launches the application, no user name or password is required. Pass the app key and a user name and password provided by the user; for example:

This call sets credentials for the currently authenticated user. It returns null for Result.

    'appkey': '487e4925-ba49-4a40-a5de-fe07cb4cee2a'
     'Username': '',
     'Password': 'ABcd1230'

You can clear credentials for an application by calling /UPRest/SetUserCredsForApp and passing null for username and password; for example:

    'appkey': '487e4925-ba49-4a40-a5de-fe07cb4cee2a'
    'Username': '',
    'Password': ''

Create user tags for an application

Tags allow users to organize applications by type. Before adding tags to an application, you can call /UPRest/GetTagsForApp and pass the app key to see which tags, if any, already apply to an application; for example:

    "appkey": "487e4925-ba49-4a40-a5de-fe07cb4cee2a"

You call /UPRest/UpsertTagsForApp to tag an application. Pass the ID of the application and one or more tag names; for example:

    "appkey": "487e4925-ba49-4a40-a5de-fe07cb4cee2a", 

The call attaches three tags ("Shopping", "E-Commerce", and "Personal") to the application.

See Also