
The User table contains all the users who have accessed the cloud service. It includes users from all directory services used by the tenant.

IDStringUser's UUID (primary key).
UsernameStringUser's name.
DisplayNameStringUser's display name.
EmailStringUser's email address.
LastLoginDateTimeDate/time the user last logged in to the cloud.
LastInviteDateTimeDate/time the user was last invited to the cloud.
StatusEnumStringUser status; one of: Created, Suspended, Invited, or Active.
StatusLocalized StringLocalized user status; one of (localized): Created, Suspended, Invited, or Active.
SourceDsStringName of the directory service to which the user belongs.
SourceDsLocalizedLocalized StringLocalized name of the directory service to which the user belongs.
SourceDsTypeStringType of the directory service to which the user belongs (Cloud, Active Directory, LDAP, etc.).
DirectoryServiceUuidStringUUID of the directory service used by the user.
ForestStringActive Directory forest of the user (AD users only).

Example Query

The following query returns all entries in the User table where the DirectoryServiceUuid matches the specified value.

Script: "Select * from User 
    Where DirectoryServiceUuid = '09B9A9B0-6CE8-465F-AB03-65766D33B05E' 

User table query response:

"FullCount": 2,
"Results": [
    "Entities": [
        "Type": "User",
        "Key": "********-****-****-****-************",
        "IsForeignKey": false
    "Row": {
       "DisplayName": "A P Manson",
      "DirectoryServiceUuid": "********-****-****-****-************",
      "LastInvite": "/Date(1436985457356)/",
      "LastLogin": null,
      "SourceDsLocalized": "Cloud",
      "StatusEnum": "Invited",
      "_MatchFilter": null,
      "Email": "",
      "Username": "apman@mdk",
       "Forest": null,
      "SourceDs": "CDS",
      "Status": "Invited",
      "ID": "********-****-****-****-************",
      "SourceDsType": "CDS"
    "Entities": [
        "Type": "User",
        "Key": "********-****-****-****-************",
         "IsForeignKey": false
     "Row": {
      "DisplayName": "cloudadmin",
      "DirectoryServiceUuid": "********-****-****-****-************",
      "LastInvite": null,
      "LastLogin": "/Date(1435592142208)/",
      "SourceDsLocalized": "Cloud",
      "StatusEnum": "Active",
      "_MatchFilter": null,
      "Email": "",
      "Username": "cloudadmin@kowang",
      "Forest": null,
       "SourceDs": "CDS",
      "Status": "Active",
      "ID": "********-****-****-****-************",
      "SourceDsType": "CDS"

See Also