
Gets the models defined in the Analytics' system.

The response contains an array of objects, each containing the following fields describing the models:

description string
A description of what the model represents.

model object
A object containing detailed information about the model's schema.

model.columns array of objects
A collection of objects describing the columns that make up the model.

model.columns.name string
The name of the column.

model.columns.type string
The type of the column.

model.description string
A description of what the model represents.

model.name string
The name of the model.

model.params string
The model's parameters.

model.query string
The model's query.

model.read_only boolean
Indicates if the model is readonly.

model.signature string

model.type string
Will be set to SYSTEM if the model is defined by the system, or CUSTOM if the model is user defined.

nodes array of objects
A collection of sub models.

model_mode boolean

multiple_snapshot boolean

node_name string
The name of the node.

type string
Will be set to SYSTEM if the model is defined by the system, or CUSTOM if the model is user defined.

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