Get Discovery Status

Gets the status of a discovery job.



success boolean
Indicates if the request was successful.

Result Object
Contains information about the discovery.

Result.FullReportFilePath String
Returns the full path of the discovery report.

Result.ComputersScanned Integer
Specifies the number of computers scanned

Result.DomainAccountsAdded Integer
Specifies the number of new domain accounts discovered.

Result.SubmittedAt String
The date/time when the discovery job was subbmitted.

Result.Details String
A descriptive message of the discovery job's status.

Result.TotalComputersCount Integer
Specifies the number of computers counted.

Result.JobId String
The unique ID of the discovery job.

Result.ApplicationsAdded Integer
Specifies the number of new applications discovered.

Result.Percent Integer
Specifies the current progress of the job as a percentage.

Result.IsRunning Boolean
Indicates if the job is still running.

Result.StartedAt String
The date/time when the discovery job was started.

Result.LocalAccountsAdded Integer
Specifies the number of new local accounts discovered.

Result.ComputersAdded Integer
Specifies the number of new computers discovered.

Result.ScanningComputerIndex Integer

Result.JobStatus String
A description of the current job status (e.g. Running).

Result.DomainsAdded Integer
Specifies the number of new domains discovered.

Result.ComputersSkipped Integer
Specifies the number of computers skipped.

Result.Profiles Array of Strings
Provide the descriptions of each profile included in the discovery.

Message string
Error message text on failure, may be null

ErrorID string
Unique support identifier for this occurrence of an error

success boolean
Indicates API success or failure

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