Gets a list of webhooks on the tenant.
The response contains a collection of objects with information about each webhook on the tenant. The follow fields contained in each object:
actions array of objects
A collection of fields describing how to invoke the webhook.
created_by string
The ID of the user who created the webhook.
created_timestamp string
The date/time when the webhook was created.
description string
A description of the webhook.
id array of strings
The ID of the tenant containing the webhook and the ID of the webhook.
name string
The name of the webhook.
new boolean
Indicates if the webhook is new.
policy_id string
The ID of the policy.
rule object
Contains information about the rule (event) that will be used to invoke the webook.
rule.filter_meta_data object
The event type.
rule.filter_meta_data.event_type String
The name of the event type.
rule.filter_type object
The type of event filter.
status integer
The current status.
tenant_id string
The ID of the tenant which owns the webook.
updated_by string
The ID of the user who updated the webhook.
updated_timestamp string
The date/time when the webhook was updated.